Amid high-class society and people below the poverty line, middle-class families suffer the most mentally. Their financial problems never settle down. It feels like a never-ending cycle is going on generations after generations. Then one person comes as an angle for the family to change the fate permanently at least for the next few generations.
Yusuf Jamal founder of Platinium View Home Solution belongs to a middle-class family in a small town of Kairana district, in Uttar Pradesh. He wanted to do something big in life and decided to cross any hurdle before reaching the ultimate goal.
At the age of 17, Yusuf Jamal ( Sony Qazi ) left home and started working as a BPO employee. Yusuf Jamal did not ignore the light of education. He completed his graduation while working in the BPO center at the night time. Meanwhile, he also joined an agency for part-time courier service.
After completing his graduation, Yusuf Jamal took a club on lease in partnership in 2010. Within 2 years, he managed to control 1 club and 4 restaurants in partnership.
Yusuf Jamal wanted to do something great. He knew the pain of poverty, and the problems the middle-class families face. Yusuf Jamal wanted to make sure that money cannot come between him and happiness. Money cannot buy happiness is just a myth. If you are matured enough you will soon understand that money facilitates problem-solving processes. It only causes the problem to people when money becomes a solution to greed rather than necessity.
Yusuf Jamal had a vision of changing the world. He soon found his way in real estate, and he planned to establish Platinium View Home Solution and his mansion in this niche. Not only becoming financially secured, but Yusuf Jamal also considered the need of employing the youths. When he joined real estate he started with small projects like the ground floor, shops, renovation, etc, and by 2015 Yusuf Jamal managed to complete more than 50 real estate projects, which includes many government projects too.
From 2015 his Yusuf Jamal’s clock of success started clicking rhythmically after joining the real estate business. In the world of investment and marketing real estate conquers a prestigious place. So, it is obvious that with the proper mindset and strategy one can do wonders in real estate.
Within two years, Yusuf Jamal earned enough to invest in big projects or new startup companies as an angel investor. In 2017, Yusuf Jamal became the angel investor of Yourshell startup. Yourshell is a company which provides easy to book beds and rental home for Northern Campus of Delhi University Students. They used to provide 147 beds at a time in 2017, but after having angel investors like Yusuf Jamal their service increased to 600 beds in 2020. Later in 2020, Stanza Living bought the company, which is the largest real estate manager in India. Yusuf Jamal became the owner of Bansal Class Centres of Uttarakhand, in 2019.
Yusuf believes that we should not limit ourselves. “During my college days, if I would have accepted my financial problems, and did not work on it, I could not have done any progress. The change comes from your trust in yourself”, he added.

Afzal Anis is the founder and CEO of Insova Group and the author of Visionary Wits.