Many people have often encountered heartbreaking setbacks that draw them away from living a successful and aspirational lifestyle. The sole reason being their unfit bodies that make them shy and set them back from achieving their goals. This predicament was undoubtedly the case for Siera Capesius. Being extremely skinny, Siera grew up being made fun of. It was this spark that gave her curiosity and energy to learn about how different foods would help her feel better. In this process, she learned that how we feel and think is directly associated with the foods we eat.
Who is Siera Capesius?
Born in Denver, Colorado, Siera Capesius has been a weight-loss expert and personal fitness trainer, equipped with a rock-solid work ethic and drive to persevere, specializing in approaching health from a nutritional standpoint to heal and change bodies and minds from the inside out. Having experience of 10 years, her philosophy has been the same, to build programs and plans based on each individual’s body type, shape, sizes, and fitness goals.
Getting to where she is today wasn’t a walk in the park for Siera. Her true passion for health began at the age of 18 when she wanted to understand the true benefits of nutrition and how different foods would impact an individual’s mind and body. With that sole purpose and a dedicated mindset, she pursued a degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. She specializes in Weight Loss & Weight Gain Programs for People of All Ages, Bikini-Competition Ready Training & Education, designing Custom Nutrition Programs, Meal Plan Prep.
In all her setbacks, Siera Capesius always found a way to bounce back. Having an aim to help people succeed in their health and fitness goals, she decided to open her own personal training studio in Denver named Nourished.
Nourished Personal Training
Siera’s impact in the community has been nothing but positive as more and more individuals have dramatically transformed their sedentary lives into being active and healthy. Nourished Personal Training Studio aims to help people achieve their personal goals, giving people the confidence to feel comfortable in their own skin. Siera worked her way up in the fitness industry and has achieved in helping hundreds of people both online and on-location understand that what we eat has the power to transform us on several levels.
The recognition awarded to Nourished by big companies such as Women’s Running, Muscle Fitness Hers and Denver Life Magazine has inquired about her knowledge in this matter as more and more people are realizing they have been eating incorrectly for their health and fitness needs. People often find it difficult to nail a specific fitness program, because their individual skills and prowess do not match with what the fitness program caters to.
Making a Difference
Moreover, Siera’s determination and hard work got paid off, when she was awarded the Denver A-List Top Best Personal Training and 5280 Denver Best Personal Training Studio in town. This is just a small recognition for the hard work resulting from a simple idea of helping others not feel like what she felt when she was younger. The true difference between the program Siera created and any other fitness and health program is that it focuses on creating a nutritional lifestyle that contains variety and recipes instead of bland and tasteless repeating foods. The philosophy isn’t about creating a restrictive program that makes individuals feel limited, but a program that includes diversity and foods people still enjoy in moderate quantities.
By incorporating foods rich in diverse minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, fibers, and colors the body’s tendency is to heal itself from the inside out. Combined with the Nourished strength and conditioning workout component, clients feel strong, energized, and happy to be taking care of themselves in an enjoyable and sustainable journey.
Future Plans
Siera is expanding Nourished to continue spreading the philosophy that nutrition is more than just eating, and that nutrition is a lifestyle to be enjoyed. She wants to educate people on the importance of both fitness and nutrition and how both of these components are needed when it comes to reaching fitness goals. From a young and underweight woman to becoming a business owner, trainer, nutritionist, and entrepreneur, Siera’s mission is to assist and help as many as she can in this journey called life. Through her ideologies of nutrition and training, she intends to further expand her knowledge with the primary goal of assisting anyone’s quality of life.
How to Contact Siera?
Her Instagram:
Nourished Personal Training:

I'm Asad (Insta: @iasadbaig), the Co-Founder of I have a passion of writing about entrepreneurs and businesses and tips on how to scale up a business.