Sheikh Mehdi(Born 10 February 2003) Jossore Bangladeshi musician, entrepreneur and web developer, full stack programmer who started studying as well, had a dream to achieve something big. His Facebook ID is Sheikh Mehdi.
Sheikh Mehdi was born in2003 in jossore Monirampur , Khulna
: – Palashi Adarsha CollegeHis father nameMd Masud And Mothers Name Anjuma KhatunIn addition to her studies, she started her social media platform thus helping in various campaigns for different industries using different digital marketing strategies which she used to enhance her brand name. He is a very creative boy.This is what made Sheikh Mehdi a famous name in the social media world. Being one of the top influencers and having a good amount of experience, Sheikh Mehdi has no value for maximum revenue and marketing through social media. This is how it goes to others in the same way. This is his dream of becoming a millionaire and Sheikh Mehdi will never have to look back.
He is a full stack web programmer and developer, and he has also worked as a senior developer in various marketplaces.
His strategy, his work experience and knowledge have helped many people to achieve their goals in different ways. He is collaborating with several renewed brands. Sheikh Mehdi has also got her hands on the industry as she runs various campaigns for movies and advertisements on social media.
Sheikh Mehdi is a public figure who has reached out to millions by her social media status and inspiring young people who want to pursue their careers in the same way. He is always networking and moving on. He has millions of views and followers and people see him as an idol.
He still holds a strong position digitally. His campaign is famous and recognized all over the world. Sheikh Mehdi has provided success to many brands with which she collaborated long before trends began to spread.
He is widely known as one of the best in the business in terms of organic viral growth and paid digital media campaigns for his clients and gaining an admirable name in the industry.
He is the owner and CEO of “Sheikh Mehdi Learn Platform”
When asked about his digital games, Sheikh Mehdi said, “One must pay attention to the needs of their listeners, it is also important for them to be true and genuine.
The best way to impress people is to know what kind of content they expect. Instead of following someone, I always focus on being real. If your content and ideas are interestingly unique, it will surely entice the target audience. Once you learn to read people’s minds, you go there !! ”
Sheikh Mehdi always tries to do something new and he always tries to discover something new. And hopefully, he will reach his goal soon.

Sheikh Mehdi(Born 10 February 2003 jossore Monirampur khulna Bangladesh