Sarah Bowmar is a fitness expert, author, and founder and CEO of various highly successful sports nutrition brands, including Bowmar Nutrition and Apex Protein Snacks. Sarah is a wife to Josh Bowmar, and they are new parents to a beautiful little girl! Sarah also blogs on her life adventures on her website
Sarah’s verified Instagram account has a huge following of 1.2 million. With 140 million Instagram users in the U.S. and abroad, she makes use of her account very well by communicating with her audience. Sarah doesn’t solely post about her workout routine but also shares a glimpse of her motherhood, being a wife, and her life in general.
Although her social media audience is located around the globe, Sarah uses Instagram as a tool to connect with everyone on a near personal level. The platform allows her to have an interactive connection with her followers by updating her account through stories that enable her audience to send her questions which Sarah graciously answers. She’s eager to extend help to her followers by answering their questions and makes sure that she guides them to their desired fitness and health goals. Being the fitness guru that she is, she focuses to inspire others by sharing her own stories and routine with the help of her social media account.
Below are 3 tips on how to use Instagram more like Sarah!
- Connect with your tribe! Sarah quickly responds to comments posted by users. In addition, she also answers questions her followers pose. If you follow Sarah, you probably feel like you know her personally.
- Posts frequently on various topics. You can view Sarah’s social platforms and see updates on her fitness journey, family life, travel and 100% Boss Babe. She is transparent with all aspects of her life. As Sarah will quickly relay, some days are great and some days are not. But she ensures her one million followers know what her real life is like!
- IG TV & Reels. We know video can be even more exciting that a picture, and Sarah has mastered the art of using both! Sometimes videos are planned with mapped out content and the perfect backdrop, while other times the video happens on a whim. Both ways, we get to see more in the life of Sarah Bowmar.
Don’t miss the fun chats with Sarah! Ask her about anything and everything. Follow her official Instagram account @ sarah_bowmar and begin your healthy journey with her.

Heather DeSantis is the CEO and Founder of Publicity for Good (PFG) and Good Side News. Former Miss Ohio International, she leads the firm with a mission to partner with companies who are committed to making the world a better place. Heather has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Entrepreneur, iHeart Media, Business Insider, MSN, Forbes and Inside Edition for her life of living and working full time from an Airstream travel trailer with her fiance Austin.