It is truly remarkable how far technology can reach in the modern era. Aside from television and radio, and millions of dollars in production costs, being able to communicate with consumers has never been as accessible, let alone feasible as it is today. For someone who is building their personal brand or business, it is now possible to take it a step further by tapping into international audiences. This leads to more credibility and developing fanbases in other parts of the world.
Yes, that sounds great and all, but we assure you that it is more than just talk and is actually possible for you who is reading this article, to have reach without borders.
Let’s take Isaac Mashman as an example. He is an American businessman, creator, podcast host, and speaker who has consciously built his personal brand since August of 2017. In a relatively short amount of time he has built his presence digitally and in mid-July 2021, had the opportunity of virtually speaking at the Dreamer’s Summit in Kumasi, Ghana, which was hosted at a local university. Discussing how this opportunity came about, Mashman stated “Personal branding, patience, and saying yes to opportunities” landed him this gig.
At the time, he had spoken at one event in 2019, but an entire year elapsed without any engagement. He was, however, taking active steps to get picked up by bureaus and event hosts to get his name in the right rooms.
Months prior to the Summit taking place, Isaac was approached by a young student and entrepreneur Samuel Gyan from Ghana, about speaking at an event he was helping throw later in the year. With little information at the time, he obliged and began thinking about his future speech. Obviously, with the country under lockdown, it didn’t make sense to plan for travel, but regardless he knew that he could still impact those in attendance 5,000 miles away by video.
Isaac’s speech was pre-recorded and privately sent to Samuel and his team to be played in front of the 4 dozen attendees. It’s by no coincidence that Chase the Vision with Isaac Mashman reached #65 under the self-improvement category in Ghana the following month. His content on Twitter is what led Samuel to reach out, a testament that people are watching your movements even when you’re not aware.
They are currently in talks of hosting future events and potentially have him fly to Ghana to make the event in person as countries get back to normal.
As important as it is to not stretch yourself too thin, it’s equally as important to make sure you’re thinking big enough. There are plenty of directories, services, and opportunities waiting to be leveraged that will blast your message in front of people in the far corners of the globe. There’s no reason why your brand has to stay in the country you reside in.
Take advantage of the gift of being alive in the age of technology.
Footage from the event can be found on YouTube. If you would like to have Isaac speak at your event, please visit
Ulyses Osuna has made his own unique advances to traditional PR-marketing activities to help his public relations endeavors succeed.