From the early teenage, he was just like any other schoolboy, who doesn’t like to socialize with the unknown, feel comfy with homies and all. From his early schooling at primary schooling at Dhaka Cotton Mills Ideal High School to college life at Birsreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College this shy but fun-loving boy from the very beginning kept making good results in exams. He is Abdullah, who has been not only a good student but also an excellent extra-curricular practitioner.
Till his college-level Abdullah may have shown his handsome result card but from the side of soft skills he was no extraordinary and for which Abdullah was shy enough to showcase himself in any public.
However, everything was going on routinely until Abdullah saw an opportunity to test his inner passion and potential. It was a college ambassador recruitment of a somewhat known organization. He applied. Somedays later Abdullah got informed that he had been selected to that recruitment and proved himself to be a bit more.
Working there Abdullah learned to dream big of getting a chance to study at the University of Dhaka. He prepared himself. Besides being an active college ambassador Abdullah managed to get the best preparation for achieving his dream.
But, fate denied him the first opportunity with the C-unit. The tough time started of his life. Abdullah lost his hope but with the support of his family and his organization be stood up again and this time he won his dream.
Abdullah got the chance in his dream institute. His self-confidence grew high. As gratitude, Abdullah continued his journey with that organization. Meanwhile, this organization also got some fame and had become SILSWA. Continuing there was the turning point of Abdullah’s life.
From a minor college ambassador, he became an executive of SILSWA. He started giving his best in that. He became an instructor at the root and the famous group of SILSWA- Dream to Dhaka University. Time flew both SILSWA and Abdullah got promoted. SILSWA got the highest reach in whole Bangladesh and Abdullah, using his quality leadership skill gained from his school life become team head of that SILSWA’s HRM team.
Again showcasing his perfect leadership and working the hardest he proved himself the best and finally last year Abdullah achieved the title of President of present SILSWA
From winning in sports, cultural events at school and college, winning best photography or best executive award till now, Abdullah has made his journey butter smooth.
Growing his high-level leadership from class captainship in school, enhancing that quality as a team head and successfully becoming the perfect leader or President of SILSWA. Recently with his excellence, Abdullah is working as Communication and Public Relation Team Leader of Guidelines for Non-STEM Higher Study Aspirants – GNHSA as well as serving as Organising Secretary at DU Roufians club.
Abdullah is going forward enormously. That shy boy is now an outspoken, confident man. His natural but dramatic evolution has made everyone proud. He wants to pursue his higher education in Educational Administration from abroad and want to contribute to digitalize and betterment of our educational system. Warm heart full best wishes may drench him.

Omor Faruk is a young Bangladeshi Writer and Journalist. He is a student of University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.