Andrey Santin is a young Youtuber & Artist who started making youtube videos in 2015, he now also does Forex & provides tips for others on how to move in global markets and how to learn more about business and life.
In this article we Interview the successful trader and ask him a few questions about what kept him inspired, motivated and more.
Achievements during entrepreneurial journey
Andrey has been able to achieve quite alot during his entrepreneurial journey. He believes that time is everything, so you need to enjoy life to its fullest potential. This belief is very strong to him and he never lets himself forget it, especially when times get rough. Santin also adds that one needs to work hard and always learn throughout life. Those were a few of the things he was able to achieve throughout his journey so far.
Challenges faced as a young entrepreneur
Andrey has faced quite a few challenges as a young entrepreneur. One of those being that many people will try to get you down and try to prevent your success. Along with fake news and bad comments, this can take a toll on one’s overall health and can greatly impact one’s life in a very negative way. These struggles can be even harder to overcome while you are younger and may seem more challenging. Regardless of all that, Santin always offers an opportunity to grow with his company. Overcoming his challenges helped give him a new perspective to help others.
Free time
In Andreys free time he enjoys doing sport activities, he not only loves doing them but it also benefits his overall health. Another activity Santin mentioned that he does in his free time is meditating. Meditating has been shown to have many good qualities to one’s mind, body, and soul. He then also includes that he also reads, all of his activities are benefiting him in some way and on some level.
Main tips for successful habits
One of Santins main tips for successful habits is to focus on yourself and who supports you. He states that it is one of the most important things you can do. Andrey also recommends reading books and educating yourself, as this will help you expand your knowledge. He then adds to avoid negative people and enjoy life, and that is a very important tip to keep in mind as it will change your life.

Johnny Medina is a young Entrepreneur who works with 6 & 7 figure entrepreneurs. He helps them grow their online presence and strategically position them to their advantage.