There is a dire need for serious change in the mental health industry. As of right now there are patients locked up in many hospitals, psych wards and long term health facilities that should not be in there. As a mental health patient myself, I have been locked inside a mental hospital for over a combined 6 months. During my temporary experience, I have met some of the most bright, amazing, humbling and intelligent people ever in my life that have been locked up in these institutions for months, and some even years, still currently right now inside. While I believe the mental health care system has a small number of benefits, there are way more numerous flaws in the system that makes the whole thing problematic. Patients should not be locked up for months and years at a time or sent to long term facilities; instead they should be taught how to reform back as a valuable functioning member of society and a path towards freedom. No human should go to waste. Police should not be the first responders to a mental health crisis, rather create a civilian corp of unarmed first responders to supplement law enforcement. Even in prison, people are given work and labor because although they have committed a crime, they still have the ability to to create and produce. We all have special unique gifts and abilities that we can all bring to the table. Mental health patients ARE NOT criminals. Patients don’t deserve to be locked inside empty hallways and bedrooms with no fresh air, and outdoor access for months on end with limited visitations and communications with the family and the outside world. Mental health patients should enter a hospital and immediately start rehabilitation, through excersise, meditation, proper dieting and mental stimulation. Patients should go through an extensive evaluation before admission to really learn how to cater to their needs for the best recovery. Mental health in-patients need full access to visitations with loved ones at all hours of the day. In-patients must have the RIGHT to full non- interrupted communications. In-Patients must have access to music at their disposal 24 hours of the day. In-patients must have the RIGHT to full free and open internet access. WiFi MUST be a human right. The current system is not built to help patients reform in a speedy recovery. There is hope. I have been through the mental health system but the old ways aren’t working and there MUST be change.
CEO of ProprioX and Dreamwood Media. Bryan Quaranto has over 10 years of experience in media branding.