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Chirag Jagga has already touched his goals at the age of 23

Chirag Jagga has the great ability of multitasking, and findingdifferent niches to satisfy his urge of knowledge. A vast exposure tothe world through his work has helped him to achieve great wisdom.Chirag Jagga is the CEO of two private companies which werepreviously owned by his father, and 3 online brands[, &].

Most of the time, we stuck into the dilemma of choosing our passionover a secured monotonous worklife. A few people turn their headtowards a happy and prosperous life by blending their passion withtheir daily job. The journey from being an artist to a film-producer,and finally finding a way through entrepreneurship, Chirag Jaggahas come a long way, which grew his bands of experiences moreconcentrated.

Choosing a perfect career, changing stream of education, acceptingthe facts over aimless endeavours, everything depends on themindset. The more rational you are, the more happy you will be.Chirag Jagga decided his life story in his teenage years, when mostof us rely on our parents decision to set our foot on the real world.

Chirag Jagga was born on 9th May of 1997, in Faridabad. Later,his family shifted to Delhi in 2004, when he was in 2nd standard. Hehas completed his schooling from St. Georges School, Alaknanda,New Delhi. Chirag Jagga has done his graduation in Bachelor’s inFilm Studies from Asian school of Media Studies, Noida.

Chirag Jagga has completed his schooling from St. GeorgesSchool, Alaknanda, New Delhi. He was born on 9th May of 1997, inFaridabad. Later, his family shifted to Delhi in 2004, when he wasin 2nd standard. Chirag Jagga has done his graduation inBachelor’s in Film Studies from Asian school of Media Studies,Noida.

Chirag Jagga went through a lot of hurdles during his school andcollege life. He is a die heart fan of Michael Jackson. He used tolove singing and dancing. He had to prove himself to the society ofhis capabilities. In his school days Chirag managed to earn hispocket money by performing in various shows and events. He nevermissed any event to showcase his talent. Therefore, choosing acareer in film studies was a rational decision made by him and hisfamily members.

Chirag Jagga used to travel to various places for different programswith his acquaintances, and he tried his luck on almost every realityshows such as Dance India Dance (DID), India’s Got Talent, etc. Hehas performed in many inter and intra school competitions. He alsotook part in theatre, commercial events etc.

Chirag Jagga was the Co-Producer of the Short Film “Mirror The other side” , Line Producer and actor in the Music VideoHaadsa (Year 2016), Kaaliyaan Rattaan – Sung by Dheeraj Dogra (Year 2017), and Line Producer of Mobikwikadvertisement” (Year 2018) – Directed by Akshay K. Aggarwal.

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As Chirag Jagga always had an interest in Films & the Musicindustry, he took admission in Asian School of Media S tudies,Noida in 2016. After completing his schooling, Chirag startedmaking short films and music videos. Mr Mukesh Jagga, father ofChirag (Founder, M.D; Accurata info systems & Viva holidays)encouraged him to Direct & Produce short films/advertisements forhis own Brands, then he also became the producer of theAdvertisement shoot of his own brand “” (Year2018).

His team work tirelessly to achieve the goals of providing the bestonline services in Travel and hospitality sectors. Chirag Jagga’sgoal is to represent India in front of the World TourismOrganization.

Afzal Anis
Written By

Afzal Anis is the founder and CEO of Insova Group and the author of Visionary Wits.

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