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Aasom & Holding My Hand by Sanjay S Yadav & Divyam Agarwal

Sanjay S Yadav and Divyam Agarwal both are well-knowned music producer, finally, on 20 Jan 2021 they have released their album from an Indian Record Label “Sanjay S Yadav Records”

“Aasom, Vol 1” is a romantic soulful album by Sanjay S Yadav for his partner Astha Tomar, album contains 06 songs with soulful compositions and one of the songs from Aasom is with Indian playback singer & musician Payal Dev and Indian lyricist Kunaal Vermaa’s Tum Hi Aana (Recreate), Divyam Produce Fall In Love song from the album, album is on all Indian streaming platforms including Wynk, Gaana, Saavan, Spotify and many more, album’s Tum Hi Aana song is on high on wynk music India, Sanjay S Yadav said this album was performed only for his partner Astha, and one of the single album Aasom. Love For Her is Sanjay’s best ever music and has added twice in Hungama’s Original Playlists.

Another album is “Holding My Hand” (Original) from Aasom for his Astha, Holding My Hand is an English romantic song with a pure heart soul music only with guitar composition, in this album music and lyrics performed by Sanjay S Yadav and primary vocals By Indian Record Producer Divyam Agarwal, with his soulful voice. Few romantic lines from the song “This Is My Most Fav. Hiding Spot”. This song represents Sanjay’s feelings for his Astha, Holding My Hand has featured in Hungama’s 3 Official Playlist, Divyam says when this song was performing his mind was full of thoughts about love and beautiful things about his love “Vasundhara”. Sanjay S Yadav says he can’t define how much he loves Astha, He is very lucky because of her, and will do everything for her. He has written a book for her and acc. to Indian media he is composing a total of 38 music albums and a few of them are with Indian playback singers and musicians.

Divyam Agarwal has signed the “Sanjay S Yadav Records” for upcoming albums. His best song is Holding My Hand & Naina (From Heart)

Holding My Hand, few lines are very unique because of Sanjay & Divyam’s feelings for their love,

Sanjay says “Aasom” word represents love, peace, and a unique thing in the world, the word “Aasom” is given by Sanjay S Yadav to her life partner Astha Tomar, Aasom(Aastha + Somya). The most successful album is Naina (From Heart For Special) has crossed 200k+ views.

Divyam Agarwal has released his few musical produced albums on all Indian platforms from “Sanjay S Yadav Records” (Dirty Minds) and many more.

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SWAGGER DEEVS is a Leading Digital Marketing Agency that Deals in All Social Media Marketing Platforms.

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