Every model subconsciously dreams of being a top figure in the industry. But how many people make it? What is the secret behind succeeding in the modeling industry?
Val Emanuel is the co-founder of Role Models Management, founded in 2017. She is an entrepreneur, mother, speaker, and model rights activist whose belief is, ‘real change must come from within.’ Val is an experienced model. She started modeling when she was a child and saw a real need for positive change within an antiquated industry that needed disruption. Val’s agency was also the first ethical agency. They have partnered with prominent organizations such as UN, Remake fashion, and plus1vote. But what makes Val shine in the industry?
This article shares five critical tips that will skyrocket your ambition to the next level.
Work With The Brand You Love
It is not easy to give your full attention to something you don’t love. Having a passion for something has proved for a long time to be the antidote of living a life that you want. Yes, working with the brand you love creates a lifestyle you always wish to live. And guess what? It is also a recipe for scaling and getting more money as a model. Working with the brand you love also makes one confident and makes better decisions. You can also connect to those who need your services in a more passionate and friendly way.
Together with her co-founder Anne Therese, Val inspires positive change across the industry by creating a platform where models can work with the brands they love and show what it means to be a real Role Model.
Remember The 3 P’s; Patience, Perseverance, Persistence.
For most people success does not come overnight, although social media would have us believe it does. As a model, just like any other independent contractor or freelance job, you are bound to face tons of rejection in between great opportunities. Val says “Learn to embrace your failures and show gratitude for the opportunities and lessons in between.” and persist in your course daily if you want to make it to the top list of models. Also, perseverance is vital. “When the world changed in March 2020 I saw so many models quit, and I saw others buy camera equipment and build an in-home studio. The models and influencers who persevered are the ones who can make a better career than ever when this is all done, with new skills and confidence since they stayed on their course” says Val.
When you trace back to Val’s journey together with her co-founder Anne, the success of their journey reflects these 3p’s. The duo has been patient in their quest to grow their agency. They have faced many challenges, fraud, intellectual property lawsuits, the list goes on, but that did not stop them from becoming one of the most sought after agencies in the world. Val has made many changes within her career in the entertainment industry. When one door closed, another door opened because she persisted and never steered her too far off course.
Keep Your Values
The decisions we make in any business are indeed a reflection of our values. Val’s agency puts ethics, sustainability, environmental, and social justice as its core values. From the productions Role Models creates for brands, to the brands they work with and the non-profits they partner with, they only believe in working with brands having a positive impact on the planet.
Find A Good Agency
Someone may ask, what is a good agency? To succeed, you need to take a step as a model and find an agency to work with, unless you are a lawyer and can read through every single contract that comes your way as well as book your own flights and track your own calendar (these are all things that the agents at Role Models do on a daily basis). This agency should be one that aligns with your goals and life purposes. If you want to start a brand, choose an agency that has business managers on their team, if you want to start a youtube, go with an agency that facilitates influencer growth. Do your research before signing. It should be an agency with a good reputation and agents you can relate to. You can always check out the Role Models roster and their values here.
Know Your Market
Role Models clients are all drawn to their agency because they are in the business of making the world a better place. Money is a motivating factor for every business owner, but Val says the main goal of the agency is to inspire other agencies and models to use their platform for good. It seems they have found their market. Since its inception, the list of brands they work with just keeps on growing and their model roster hosts even more amazing change-makers and celebrities than they could ever imagine.

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