We are living in an era when the Separation of Beneficiary Americanization between Blacks and Whites is widening everyday, and Blacks Who Descended From American Slaves are at a historically political crossroad this election season, and it seems as if we are split in ethical principle in relations to voting for the next President of The United States.
The Democratic Party elected one of the pioneers of the school-to-prison pipeline system for young Black males to become their nominee. Joe Biden helped establish the 1994 Crime Bill which became the single piece of legislation that will later make the United States of America the most populated prison country in the entire world. One of the most troubling issues in Black society is a mass incarceration problem which helps with the destruction of the Black family unit in America, so the Democrats electing Joe Biden as the face of their Party shows a type of indifference and overt racism that makes benign neglect look like a better choice.
Blacks Who Descended From American Slaves inherited the brutal, subjectly oppressed half of the legacy of slavery in America that can only get fixed with federal and governmental sanctioned politics in correspondence with city, local, and state policies that will address our current situation, and the Democratic Party has Black people as their base of voters every election cycle, but this same Party elected a man who spent his entire political career undermining that base with political policy on the opposite side of our positive development. Joe Biden committed an unforgivable sin, and our political power is garnered by our ability to sway elections, and we should only use that power to support our own political representatives with Black agendas, specifically reparations, and only representatives who understand how reparations would operate in this country.
There is a reparations movement that is brewing for the first time in American politics since the reconstruction period after the Civil War, and this movement put reparations at the forefront of demands for politicians this election season, and I, Deon D. Jenkins, am blessed to have been one of its pioneers. I stepped out as a Presidential candidate in 2015, becoming the first Presidential candidate to have reparations at the forefront of my campaign, and filling a huge void in the lack of its discussion in the media at the time. I would later formulate a reparations package entitled D.M.L.G., which stands for Defense, Money, Land, and Grants which are the four elements of reparations, constructed from the four elements of American society, which are Defensive Structure, Capital, Land, and having Access to capital. Since these are the four elements that bottom casted us as Blacks Who Descended From American Slaves, then these must become the four elements that repair the damage created. I stepped out again in 2019, running as a write-in Presidential candidate for this election, and I am currently a representative for Blacks Who Descended From American Slaves in this election as a Presidential candidate in the attempt to give us the justice that we need and the representation also.
Voting for the “lesser of two evils” is no longer a choice for many Black people, especially in realization that Biden may not be the lesser evil anyway, considering all of the evil and overt racist policies implemented against us, but not voting at all is not a good solution either. Our ancestors did lay down their lives so we can have the freedom to participate in politics and the voting process, but they did not die so that we can vote for candidates who helped create systems to excavate their descendants out of society before throwing away the keys. Showing up to vote is exercising that freedom that our ancestors died for, and not voting only shows America the absence of our political power. Our ancestors did not die so that we can vote for the people who killed them. They did not only die so that we can vote, but they died so that we can vote for the right people.
Worrying about who wins or loses if we do not vote for a certain party is not our concern anymore. Our only concern is voting for people who have our own agendas, and people who represent us, so that we can truly get the political change that we need. If the Democrats are so worried about losing elections, they must stop antagonizing us with electing people who created policies aiding in our destruction. Blacks Who Descended From American Slaves have been the base for the Democratic Party for sixty years, so it is time that we get the respect deserved, and get treated as such, and it is time that we quit choosing the “lesser of two evils”, and realize that picking any type of evil is no longer an option.
Federal Election Statement Of Candidacy:
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In this article:Entrepreneurship
Written By
Gabriel Comfort
Hello, I am a digital marketer. I own my own business called Christian Nicole Promotions. Outside of my business I am also a music artist and go by my stage name Bonni3.